Sunday 11 October 2015

"Two held in my arms, five held in my heart"

I have always been a big believer of getting rid of tension, negativity and drama in my life.  I encourage my friends and family to do the same.  If something is too difficult or too much work then it probably isn't worth being emotionally invested in.  I take this approach with the people I have in my life.

Having said that, on the flip side, I also keep an extremely open mind and try my very best (not always perfect) at being non-judgemental.  I definitely believe in the saying that people are in your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime.

Although I find that when someone leaves your life, for whatever reason, you can close the door, however, don't lock it.  Don't throw away the key.  You can move on mentally and emotionally, yet still be open to what the future may hold.

I have a family member who I haven't spoken to for over two years.  Not necessarily any real reason, I guess we just lost contact and our lives were going in different directions.  Although I had accepted that and I assume she had accepted that, nothing was really spoken.

Recently she stumbled across my blog and found my story about losing the twins in January this year.  I received a text asking for my address.  I was curious as to why she wanted my new address, however, I didn't ask any questions and passed it on.

When I returned home that day from a long, exhausting day of work, gym and day care pick up I found the most thoughtful and beautiful gift in my letterbox.

This very generous family member had purchased a beautiful necklace for me with five stunning charms enclosed in a locket.  She wrote me a touching message "Two held in my arms, five held in my heart".  I was blown away.  I could not believe that someone who I hadn't spoken to in over two years could be so caring and kind.

I talk a lot about kindness and how we should all be more kind to each other.  When acts of kindness like this happen in life, especially to me, it restores my faith in people.

So my message to you all is, rid your life of negativity, don't hold onto the trauma or stress of the past.  However, always keep an open mind.  We don't know what the future holds.

I can't thank this lady enough and I will cherish this gift forever.

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