Thursday 12 November 2015

You don't need to enjoy "EVERY" moment!

I was chatting to a friend yesterday.  She mentioned how every time she logs onto Facebook there are numerous posts and articles about enjoying every moment with your children.  They talk about how we will wish they were younger again one day and to not wish the years away.

We both had a chat about this in depth and had a few things we agreed on.........

Firstly, I enjoyed the baby years.... YES.  I'm enjoying the toddler years...... YES.  However, will I necessarily want to re-live each stage, maybe not, probably not.

Although I sometimes get teary when my babies reach a milestone or when a particular "phase" is over, I simply move on and enjoy the next chapter.  I think each chapter and phase of being a Mum is just as exciting and rewarding as the last.

If I'm being completely honest I am in fact enjoying and loving the toddler years much more than the newborn phase.

The other point we both agreed on was the whole concept of "enjoying" every moment.  So let's get a few things straight.  I believe in being grateful for what we have in life, I believe in enjoying the positives of your day/week/month, I believe in reflecting on your life and realising how blessed we are.  Yet what I don't agree with is enjoying every.single.moment.

There is so much pressure on Mum's these days to enjoy every moment, I feel it's causing more anxiety when we are having a bad day.  I'm certain that social media also plays a part in this.  People are sharing a snap shot of their lives, an add if you like for the "good times".  It isn't often we see the imperfections or the struggles (and when you do they tend to then be extreme).

Take my day yesterday for example...... I enjoyed that my kids ate all their brekkie (winning), I enjoyed that my cousin and her son were over for a play date, I enjoyed going to the gym and having time out.

However, I DID NOT enjoy having to ask 15 times for Miss 4 to put her shoes on, I did NOT enjoy negotiating with Mr 2 to sit in the trolley because Mummy didn't bring the pram, and I certainly DID NOT enjoy Mr 2 slapping Miss 4 in the face three times.

There will always be moments or even days were we just don't ENJOY being a Mum.  That's ok.  We are only human.

So back to my original philosophy and core beliefs, cherish your children, smother them with love, be present in the moment and be grateful they are yours.  However, allow yourself every now and then to say "well today kinda sucked!".

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