Thursday 4 June 2015

We are their everything

This morning I was on my way to take my daughter to the doctors, we had some time to spare. I asked her if she wanted to see Mummy's old house.  "Yesssss Mummy" she answered.

Typical 4-year old behaviour she asked me lots of questions on the way..... "Who did you live here with? Why did you move? How old were you? Why do you now live with Daddy".

I explained to her that when you get older you leave your Mummy and Daddy's home and move into your own home.  I told her that I use to live with my Mummy and Daddy (Nanny and Poppy) and my sister (Aunty).  I said that when she's older she will move out of our home as well, just like I did.

I looked in my review mirror and saw tears running down her face.  Right then memories of my parents explaining the exact same thing to me came flooding back.

I remember at a young age wondering why people moved out of home, when my parents explained it to me I distinctly remember feeling upset.  I couldn't fathom the thought of ever being away from my parents.  The idea of being a grown up scared me.  Why would you leave? Why would you want to be on your own? Who would protect you?

I asked Sophia "What's wrong darling girl?".  She answered as she was fighting back the tears "I don't want to leave you Mummy, I want to live with you and Daddy forever".  Her voice was so soft, so sad, then little tears started running down her face.

Obviously being an adult I understand that it isn't something to be upset over.  However, for some strange reason I felt sad for her because I remember so many years ago feeling the exact same way.

It reminded me that at such a young age your parents are your everything.  Your world.  You can't imagine a life without them.  Being on your own, fending for yourself.

These little people in our lives look up to us for guidance and for approval.  We are their voice, we are there to shelter and protect them.

I looked at her in the mirror and said "Baby girl, you don't ever have to leave Mummy and Daddy, you can stay with us as long as you want".  She wiped away her tears with her chubby little fingers and as she used the end of her sleeve to mop up the snot she said "Thank you Mummy, I love you".

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