Thursday, 16 June 2016

Happy Birthday to my hero!

He is my hero, my world, my friend and my Papa Bear.  Happy Birthday.

The love shared between a father and daughter truly is one that can never be broken. He will forever hold a special place in my heart.  His support and guidance, his gentle nature yet strong values all provide me with the support and guidance I need.

I am blessed enough to have met and married a man who has become best friends with my Papa.  The bond they share is special and unique.  Their wit and their humour and the soft side they both hide.  Alike in so many ways, enough for me to feel a sense of comfort and familiarity when I watch my husband father our daughter.  Knowing she will grow up with the love and support that I experienced brings me joy.

A man of few words, yet when he speaks you want to listen.  You will be left in a tummy aching laugh or in ore of his knowledge.  So humble for a man who has achieved so much.  Through trying times he still stood strong and held his family together with determination and courage.

Watching him be an amazingly loving Poppy to my children gives me butterflies.  Their love and admiration for their Poppy is evident when you see the sparkle in their eyes as they run into his arms.  His gentle nature is sure to win them over every single time.

Celebrating my Papa's 70th is so special to me.  I wish him a nothing but health and happiness as he is surrounded by the people who love him most. 

Happy Birthday and we hope to celebrate many more with you.

Love BuB x

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