To my sweet boy,
Happy 3rd birthday darling boy.
Thank you for making me such an incredibly proud Mumma. Your love and affection warm my heart.
You have a knack for making people feel incredibly special. I must say, it isn't easy to win you over, but once you have, you are loyal and loving.
Your bond with your sister brings so much joy to my life. Watching the two of you grow up together, protect each other, be kind to each other and develop a life long friendship is something which I never take for granted.
Just this morning she said to you "James, tell Mumma to be nice to me. She keeps yelling at me and she's nice to you because it's your birthday". You marched right up to me, hands on hips and aggressively told me "be nicer to sissy Mumma". I just looked at the serious experssion on your face, your big brown eyes staring up at me and responded "Ok my darling".
I can't fight with you, I can't argue with you and I struggle to be angry at you.
You are a terrible sleeper. We've had help, it worked, then it didn't. You wake up countless times a night suffering nightmares and you constantly cry for Mumma. You need me to sleep right next to you so you can settle. I can feel your breath on my face, your arms are wrapped around my neck and your legs are tucked under mine, for most of the night I get minimal sleep. Most days this causes me to be grumpy and impatient, yet I just can't be angry at you.
Your smile and laugh really can light up a room. I do feel everyone says this, yet for you, it truly is the case. You work the room as your eyes sparkle, and you win people over with your charm wherever we go. Yet as soon as you receive some attention you hide behind Mumma's leg.
You are shy, yet loud. You are sweet, yet strong. You personality can be a complete contradiction, however, one thing is for sure, it is yours. You are your own unique person.
Thank you for being mine. I am extremely blessed the day God sent you to me. You entered the world and changed my life forever.
I look forward to experiencing many more birthday's with you and watching you grow and develop into a beautiful little boy.
I will love you forever my darling boy.
Friday, 24 June 2016
Thursday, 16 June 2016
Happy Birthday to my hero!
He is my hero, my world, my friend and my Papa Bear. Happy Birthday.
The love shared between a father and daughter truly is one that can never be broken. He will forever hold a special place in my heart. His support and guidance, his gentle nature yet strong values all provide me with the support and guidance I need.
I am blessed enough to have met and married a man who has become best friends with my Papa. The bond they share is special and unique. Their wit and their humour and the soft side they both hide. Alike in so many ways, enough for me to feel a sense of comfort and familiarity when I watch my husband father our daughter. Knowing she will grow up with the love and support that I experienced brings me joy.
A man of few words, yet when he speaks you want to listen. You will be left in a tummy aching laugh or in ore of his knowledge. So humble for a man who has achieved so much. Through trying times he still stood strong and held his family together with determination and courage.
Watching him be an amazingly loving Poppy to my children gives me butterflies. Their love and admiration for their Poppy is evident when you see the sparkle in their eyes as they run into his arms. His gentle nature is sure to win them over every single time.
Celebrating my Papa's 70th is so special to me. I wish him a nothing but health and happiness as he is surrounded by the people who love him most.
Happy Birthday and we hope to celebrate many more with you.
Love BuB x
Sunday, 15 May 2016
What exactly is normal?
Just because one person thinks a certain behaviour, routine or habit is normal, it doesn't mean we will all agree. My normal and your normal might be two completely different ends of the spectrum.
When it comes to raising children, I think we tend to judge, analysis, criticise and dismiss other peoples parenting style when it is different to our own. What I pride myself on is being non-judgemental. Yes I have an opinion on things, I think we're all entitled to an opinion. However, I really do try and not project my opinion onto other people. What works for one family may be completely different to the next.
So what is one of the biggest parenting debates? To co-sleep or not to co-sleep. Unfortunately, it is a topic which really should not effect anyone other than the people living in that given household. So why do we all get so worked up about other peoples sleeping habits?
I did this, I was judgemental. When I first had Sophia I followed a strict routine and from 10-weeks old the little darling slept 10 hours straight, self settled and to be honest, was an absolute breeze. So when I heard about people rocking their babies to sleep, feeding their babies to sleep or heaven forbid sleeping with their babies, I thought it was just plain wrong. Why on Earth would you create a baby to be so dependant on you?
Then came James…… Well we had two issues here didn't we? We had James, the terrible sleeper. However, we also had in the mix Sophia, the toddler who all of a sudden decided to develop a sleeping issue. She was not yet two when James was born and when he was around 2-months old she decided that the only way she would be going to bed was with her Mumma.
Fast forward three years, throw in a visit to Tresillian, a visit from a sleep consultant and our fair share of rough nights and well things aren't much better. My little man who is almost three puts himself to sleep every single night like an angel. However, when he wakes (not if, when), he will only re-settle with Mumma or Dadda. So what do we do? We re-settle him.
You see after three years of broken sleep (there was actually a 12-month period in there where the sleep consultant worked miracles, however, James regressed and we got lazy) one thing we have learnt is you just do what you gotta do.
Sophia on the other hand, well when she's out for the night, she's OUT! It's getting her to that point that is the challenge. To be fair she is a lot easier these days and for the most part we have found our groove. Yet there is no way in this world she would fall asleep on her own. She needs Mumma by her side until she dozes off.
This is my family, this is our sleep deprived story, so why do so many feel the need to judge. Not just strangers, I'm talking friends, colleagues, family, everyone really.
We have become so use to our routine that most nights I don't really think about it as being wrong, I don't see an issue. It can be challenging and at times I definitely loose my patience. I do feel though, this would be the same in most households when it comes to bed time routine. Even those miracle children I hear about who go to bed with no drama, surely that isn't EVERY.SINGLE.NIGHT?
I'm not her to debate pro co-sleeping. I am here though, to debate "mind your own business".
Over the years, I have learned to love sleeping with my girl. To be able to hear if she's having a bad dream and immediately calm her, to feel her soft hand wrap over me in the middle of the night, the moment in the early hours of a chilly morning when she slides her feet under my legs to warm herself.
The feeling of having my sweet baby girl in bed next to me is a blessing I will cherish, until the day she decides she is too old. That day will come and it will be me missing her presence as she finds her independence in her big bed.
When I wake up every single morning to her asking me if it's day time yet, then we call in James and Dadda (who are always awake before us), the four of us cuddle in the big bed and talk about our plans for the day. These are the special moments which will live within me forever.
Our arrangements aren't perfect, they could do with some tweaking, yet they are our arrangements. This is our journey and we are fumbling our way through, easing our children into independence at their own pace.
So when people so kindly give me their opinion on my home, my marriage and my sleeping arrangements I simply say……. We're happy, at times tired, but happy. Chris and I are married and love sharing a bed, however, we decided to have two beautiful children. Our commitment at this point is to them and our family as an entire family unit. Our children won't be in our beds, or our homes for that matter, forever. There will be a time for us as a married couple, for now, it's about family.
My advice to any Mothers (especially those with newborns) is, don't co-sleep simply because it's on trend, don't kick them out of your bed and partake in controlled crying techniques simply because you read it in some book. Find what suits your family. Listen to advice from those with experience and decide for yourself what your journey will look like.
Surround yourself with people who are supportive and encouraging. I have a handful of friends who I can moan and complain to about our sleeping arrangements, yet these gorgeous friend would never suggest I change anything. They listen, they let me vent and they understand that this is my choice, yet I am allowed to be frustrated at times.
Finally, always remember, they're not little for long. When it's late at night and you're getting kicked in the face by a tiny little foot feel blessed God gave you the opportunity to have that tiny little person in your life. It is a gift never to be taken for granted.
When it comes to raising children, I think we tend to judge, analysis, criticise and dismiss other peoples parenting style when it is different to our own. What I pride myself on is being non-judgemental. Yes I have an opinion on things, I think we're all entitled to an opinion. However, I really do try and not project my opinion onto other people. What works for one family may be completely different to the next.
So what is one of the biggest parenting debates? To co-sleep or not to co-sleep. Unfortunately, it is a topic which really should not effect anyone other than the people living in that given household. So why do we all get so worked up about other peoples sleeping habits?
I did this, I was judgemental. When I first had Sophia I followed a strict routine and from 10-weeks old the little darling slept 10 hours straight, self settled and to be honest, was an absolute breeze. So when I heard about people rocking their babies to sleep, feeding their babies to sleep or heaven forbid sleeping with their babies, I thought it was just plain wrong. Why on Earth would you create a baby to be so dependant on you?
Then came James…… Well we had two issues here didn't we? We had James, the terrible sleeper. However, we also had in the mix Sophia, the toddler who all of a sudden decided to develop a sleeping issue. She was not yet two when James was born and when he was around 2-months old she decided that the only way she would be going to bed was with her Mumma.
Fast forward three years, throw in a visit to Tresillian, a visit from a sleep consultant and our fair share of rough nights and well things aren't much better. My little man who is almost three puts himself to sleep every single night like an angel. However, when he wakes (not if, when), he will only re-settle with Mumma or Dadda. So what do we do? We re-settle him.
You see after three years of broken sleep (there was actually a 12-month period in there where the sleep consultant worked miracles, however, James regressed and we got lazy) one thing we have learnt is you just do what you gotta do.
Sophia on the other hand, well when she's out for the night, she's OUT! It's getting her to that point that is the challenge. To be fair she is a lot easier these days and for the most part we have found our groove. Yet there is no way in this world she would fall asleep on her own. She needs Mumma by her side until she dozes off.
This is my family, this is our sleep deprived story, so why do so many feel the need to judge. Not just strangers, I'm talking friends, colleagues, family, everyone really.
We have become so use to our routine that most nights I don't really think about it as being wrong, I don't see an issue. It can be challenging and at times I definitely loose my patience. I do feel though, this would be the same in most households when it comes to bed time routine. Even those miracle children I hear about who go to bed with no drama, surely that isn't EVERY.SINGLE.NIGHT?
I'm not her to debate pro co-sleeping. I am here though, to debate "mind your own business".
Over the years, I have learned to love sleeping with my girl. To be able to hear if she's having a bad dream and immediately calm her, to feel her soft hand wrap over me in the middle of the night, the moment in the early hours of a chilly morning when she slides her feet under my legs to warm herself.
The feeling of having my sweet baby girl in bed next to me is a blessing I will cherish, until the day she decides she is too old. That day will come and it will be me missing her presence as she finds her independence in her big bed.
When I wake up every single morning to her asking me if it's day time yet, then we call in James and Dadda (who are always awake before us), the four of us cuddle in the big bed and talk about our plans for the day. These are the special moments which will live within me forever.
Our arrangements aren't perfect, they could do with some tweaking, yet they are our arrangements. This is our journey and we are fumbling our way through, easing our children into independence at their own pace.
So when people so kindly give me their opinion on my home, my marriage and my sleeping arrangements I simply say……. We're happy, at times tired, but happy. Chris and I are married and love sharing a bed, however, we decided to have two beautiful children. Our commitment at this point is to them and our family as an entire family unit. Our children won't be in our beds, or our homes for that matter, forever. There will be a time for us as a married couple, for now, it's about family.
My advice to any Mothers (especially those with newborns) is, don't co-sleep simply because it's on trend, don't kick them out of your bed and partake in controlled crying techniques simply because you read it in some book. Find what suits your family. Listen to advice from those with experience and decide for yourself what your journey will look like.
Surround yourself with people who are supportive and encouraging. I have a handful of friends who I can moan and complain to about our sleeping arrangements, yet these gorgeous friend would never suggest I change anything. They listen, they let me vent and they understand that this is my choice, yet I am allowed to be frustrated at times.
Finally, always remember, they're not little for long. When it's late at night and you're getting kicked in the face by a tiny little foot feel blessed God gave you the opportunity to have that tiny little person in your life. It is a gift never to be taken for granted.
Waking up to this every morning can only put a smile on my face! |
Monday, 11 April 2016
A letter to my girl: Slow down time!
My darling girl,
I made a promise to myself at the beginning of this year. I promised I would slow down and cherish my last year with you. Spend more time at home and enjoying our time together, as next year you will be starting big school.
So far, I have lived up to my promise. I have not only spent time playing with you, being with you and embracing your childhood, I have appreciated every moment.
What I have realised is, I may slow down my lifestyle, however, I can not slow down time. As much as I wish there was a slow motion button or even a pause button, it just keeps speeding by at a rate my mind sometimes struggles to keep up with.
Already one quarter of our last year together has passed. I have been able to find joy in each and every day yet feel cheated that it's moving by so quickly.
Then I experience fleeting moments where I am reminded of your innocence and youngness and those are the moments I hold onto. A reminder to me that you are still at such a tender age and of course, reminded that you still are my little girl.
At times it doesn't feel fair that life can possibly pass us by this quickly. If only there were more minutes in the hour and hours in the day!
Then I stop focusing on the speed of time and instead realise how blessed we really are. Blessed that we can wake up each day and experience another day in this crazy thing called life. We are able to add one more day to our beautiful lives.
So tonight as I laid with you to sleep and watched as your sweet eyes drifted off into your slumber, I promised you that we would not only enjoy our last year together, but that I would never take my time with you for granted.
I kissed your sweet face and once again thanked God for blessing me the day he made me your Mumma.
Thank you my girl, thank you for being mine.
Mumma x
I made a promise to myself at the beginning of this year. I promised I would slow down and cherish my last year with you. Spend more time at home and enjoying our time together, as next year you will be starting big school.
So far, I have lived up to my promise. I have not only spent time playing with you, being with you and embracing your childhood, I have appreciated every moment.
What I have realised is, I may slow down my lifestyle, however, I can not slow down time. As much as I wish there was a slow motion button or even a pause button, it just keeps speeding by at a rate my mind sometimes struggles to keep up with.
Already one quarter of our last year together has passed. I have been able to find joy in each and every day yet feel cheated that it's moving by so quickly.
Then I experience fleeting moments where I am reminded of your innocence and youngness and those are the moments I hold onto. A reminder to me that you are still at such a tender age and of course, reminded that you still are my little girl.
At times it doesn't feel fair that life can possibly pass us by this quickly. If only there were more minutes in the hour and hours in the day!
Then I stop focusing on the speed of time and instead realise how blessed we really are. Blessed that we can wake up each day and experience another day in this crazy thing called life. We are able to add one more day to our beautiful lives.
So tonight as I laid with you to sleep and watched as your sweet eyes drifted off into your slumber, I promised you that we would not only enjoy our last year together, but that I would never take my time with you for granted.
I kissed your sweet face and once again thanked God for blessing me the day he made me your Mumma.
Thank you my girl, thank you for being mine.
Mumma x
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
Week 10 - The 52 Project: Holiday time
The boy:
Very proud with his carry on luggage packed and ready to head to the airport. Showing such confidence and maturity even since our last trip to Fiji 5-months ago.
He is growing up so quickly and in the blink of an eye his mumbled words are turning into hilarious and entertaining conversations.
Very proud with his carry on luggage packed and ready to head to the airport. Showing such confidence and maturity even since our last trip to Fiji 5-months ago.
He is growing up so quickly and in the blink of an eye his mumbled words are turning into hilarious and entertaining conversations.
The girl:
Just like her brother she is growing up faster than my mind is willing to accept. I watched as she so confidently strutted around the resort. A sense of familiarity as she passionately explained to everyone it was her 4th trip to Fiji.
Morning one she pranced up to the desk and fearlessly requested the towels for the family. Her extreme sense of confidence mixed with a growing attitude make for an interesting yet slightly challenging time for my parenting journey.
Sunday, 28 February 2016
Week 9 - The 52 Project: Mother & Son vs Father & Daughter
This week was an pleasantly relaxing week……... and then the weekend hit. It was an extremely hectic weekend with a family birthday, wedding and a Sunday night dinner with my sister thrown in for good measure.
I'm now relaxing at home almost ready to pack it in for the night. I'm feeling equally satisfied, exhausted and blessed that I live a life with such chaos and fun.
The girl: their bond, their love, the affection and respect they show each other is so heart warming. A father and daughter share such a special bond. He protects her, he is her hero, he is her world.
Her soft sweetness is such a beautiful contrast to his stern mannerisms. They are the perfect balance and their personalities compliment each other.
He can be highly stressed and at times anxious. He is the man of the house. His responsibilities are so extensive and relentless. When he arrives home from work his mind is consumed with the pressure of his obligations as an employee, a father, a husband, a son.
When she hears the door open she runs with such excitement, she jumps into his open arms and immediately I can see a small part of him relax. A tiny component of his mind shuts down and lets go. She is his happy place.
I'm so honoured and grateful that this beautiful photo of these two was featured tonight on UniteinMotherhood on Instagram. Wow, to have my photos be recognised like this makes me extremely proud.
The boy: we decided to head down to the beach this morning for a stroll and a spot of shell collecting. I felt we could both use the fresh air and change of scenery.
His behaviour has been on the difficult side the last few days (possibly weeks) and it is exhausting maintaining a calm and positive approach to parenting when you are tired and run down. I've had to dig deep to stop myself from over yelling or letting my emotions get out of control.
So this morning gave me the opportunity to enjoy just strolling with him along the sand. The soft breeze and the crashing of the waves is cleansing and refreshing. It allows me to clear my mind, rid any of the negativity I have built up over issues or frustrations circulating my thoughts.
As we walk along the sand he looks up to me for guidance, reassurance, familiarity and acknowledgement. He ever so proudly shows me his shell collection, he points out how he has managed to get his shorts wet as he runs in and out of the waves breaking in the sand. He waits for my response to his actions, he looks on in anticipation for my approval (or not). When I laugh, smile and tell him how proud I am he beams. His face lights up with pride.
I call him my cuddle monster, he wants to be held and carried all day long. I negotiate with him and we walk along the sand hand in hand. He constantly checks his other hand to ensure he hasn't somewhere along the way dropped his beloved shell. His mind is consumed by innocence and purity. If only I could have his thoughts for the day, what a simple and precious life we would live.
Sunday, 21 February 2016
8/52 - The 52 Project: Siblings
I wish I was in on the joke these two seem to share together. It reminds me growing up extremely close to my sister. In fact, we still joke that we're twins born two years apart. I remember my parents watching us with a smile on their face. They rarely knew what we were laughing at, yet it made them smile.
This is how I feel as a parent. Watching a bond grow between two little people joined together by the foundation of family. My heart bursts with pride, love and joy.
Today was a simple day. The common cold has been going through the family this week. Striking us all down one by one. So we kept today simple and easy yet full of happiness and laughs.
After a short visit to the beach to soak up some salt air we indulged and took the kids to a gorgeous little cafe nearby for some cake. It was one of those perfect moments. As a parent, you know they don't happen for long. They may happen often but the duration of these "perfect" moments is minimal.
So when these moments occur I have really learnt to let go and soak them up. Enjoy time with your children, feed them cake and listen to them laugh. That was what today was all about.
"What day is it" ~ asked Pooh
"It's today" ~ squeaked Piglet
"My favourite day" ~ said Pooh
Don't wait for tomorrow to enjoy life - life for today!
This is how I feel as a parent. Watching a bond grow between two little people joined together by the foundation of family. My heart bursts with pride, love and joy.
Today was a simple day. The common cold has been going through the family this week. Striking us all down one by one. So we kept today simple and easy yet full of happiness and laughs.
After a short visit to the beach to soak up some salt air we indulged and took the kids to a gorgeous little cafe nearby for some cake. It was one of those perfect moments. As a parent, you know they don't happen for long. They may happen often but the duration of these "perfect" moments is minimal.
So when these moments occur I have really learnt to let go and soak them up. Enjoy time with your children, feed them cake and listen to them laugh. That was what today was all about.
"What day is it" ~ asked Pooh
"It's today" ~ squeaked Piglet
"My favourite day" ~ said Pooh
Don't wait for tomorrow to enjoy life - life for today!
Monday, 15 February 2016
When things seem too much.... ASK FOR HELP!
I think the term "Super Mum" although in so many cases is used as a compliment can unknowingly and unintentionally place unnecessary pressure on Mothers.
I find that if I do something which to me seems "normal" as a mother and a friend comments "that's awesome you're such a Super Mum" all of a sudden I feel like I then need to live up to this title.
SUPER MUM, what does it take to be a Super Mum?
To live up to such a title surely we need some form of super power? So as far as I know these don't exist (would love someone to prove me otherwise) so maybe we need to stop using the term, even as a compliment.
Recently my husband was away for three nights. Prior to him leaving I was completely relaxed. I was not at all nervous about the thought of dealing with the kids, the house, work, daycare. I've got it covered, or so I thought.
That was until night one went completely pear shaped and all of a sudden I found myself willing him home!
Once the kids were FINALLY in bed on night one I called my sister. Basically in melt down mode as I was hungry and exhausted and those hunger mood swings where you turn from Mary Poppins to Hannibal Lecter had kicked in.
So I ate my dinner and chatted on the phone to her for almost an hour. Complaining about why the night had been so difficult, what a difficult day I had ahead of me the next day. Just the usual whinging and moaning.
Although all I did was talk by the end of the conversation I hung up feeling so much better. What seemed like this overwhelming issue now suddenly didn't feel so bad after I said it all out loud.
Friday morning came and after a tough first night (around 6 wakes, multiple bed swaps and a kick to the face by Mr 2), I was knackered! I wasn't too sure how I was meant to deal with the day ahead, however, I just went into auto pilot and started getting the kids ready for daycare.
We were almost ready for daycare drop off and I realised I had a text from my sister "I'm coming over tonight to cook you dinner and Joe will take care of the kids"!
I wanted to cry. This gesture made my entire day seem that much less daunting.
Friday at 6pm I walked in the door after gymnastics lessons to a home cooked meal, two kids laughing and playing with their Uncle Joe Joe and I was able to just "be"! I felt like I had suddenly come up for air.
It is ok to ask for help. It is ok to be Super Mum one day and wondering how you'll get through the next.
Although I'm lucky enough to not have to in fact "ask" (my sister and I claim we're twins born two years apart) and she just came to my aid, it IS OK TO ASK FOR HELP!
I find it difficult. I find that asking for help is accepting defeat. I find asking for help is saying "I can't do this on my own". This sort of thought pattern, this notion of trying to be a Super Mum can really run a person down.
I promise to myself that next time I'm feeling overwhelmed I WILL ASK FOR HELP (or call my sister because let's face it she will definitely read between the lines)!
I find that if I do something which to me seems "normal" as a mother and a friend comments "that's awesome you're such a Super Mum" all of a sudden I feel like I then need to live up to this title.
SUPER MUM, what does it take to be a Super Mum?
To live up to such a title surely we need some form of super power? So as far as I know these don't exist (would love someone to prove me otherwise) so maybe we need to stop using the term, even as a compliment.
Recently my husband was away for three nights. Prior to him leaving I was completely relaxed. I was not at all nervous about the thought of dealing with the kids, the house, work, daycare. I've got it covered, or so I thought.
That was until night one went completely pear shaped and all of a sudden I found myself willing him home!
Once the kids were FINALLY in bed on night one I called my sister. Basically in melt down mode as I was hungry and exhausted and those hunger mood swings where you turn from Mary Poppins to Hannibal Lecter had kicked in.
So I ate my dinner and chatted on the phone to her for almost an hour. Complaining about why the night had been so difficult, what a difficult day I had ahead of me the next day. Just the usual whinging and moaning.
Although all I did was talk by the end of the conversation I hung up feeling so much better. What seemed like this overwhelming issue now suddenly didn't feel so bad after I said it all out loud.
Friday morning came and after a tough first night (around 6 wakes, multiple bed swaps and a kick to the face by Mr 2), I was knackered! I wasn't too sure how I was meant to deal with the day ahead, however, I just went into auto pilot and started getting the kids ready for daycare.
We were almost ready for daycare drop off and I realised I had a text from my sister "I'm coming over tonight to cook you dinner and Joe will take care of the kids"!
I wanted to cry. This gesture made my entire day seem that much less daunting.
Friday at 6pm I walked in the door after gymnastics lessons to a home cooked meal, two kids laughing and playing with their Uncle Joe Joe and I was able to just "be"! I felt like I had suddenly come up for air.
It is ok to ask for help. It is ok to be Super Mum one day and wondering how you'll get through the next.
Although I'm lucky enough to not have to in fact "ask" (my sister and I claim we're twins born two years apart) and she just came to my aid, it IS OK TO ASK FOR HELP!
I find it difficult. I find that asking for help is accepting defeat. I find asking for help is saying "I can't do this on my own". This sort of thought pattern, this notion of trying to be a Super Mum can really run a person down.
I promise to myself that next time I'm feeling overwhelmed I WILL ASK FOR HELP (or call my sister because let's face it she will definitely read between the lines)!
Sunday, 14 February 2016
7/52: The 52 Project - Summer time
For the second week in a row it was Sunday and I hadn't taken any snaps for The 52 Project.
By Sunday my two little subjects were tired and irritable, after a long few days without their Dadda home. It was 30 degree heat so we invited my family over for lunch and a swim.
The one thing that I love about these images is the joy. The kids are playing with my sisters partner in the pool. He is a relatively new member to our family, yet he feels like he's been a part of the family forever. Both my babes adore him and have so much fun playing, and of course being thrown around.
By Sunday my two little subjects were tired and irritable, after a long few days without their Dadda home. It was 30 degree heat so we invited my family over for lunch and a swim.
The one thing that I love about these images is the joy. The kids are playing with my sisters partner in the pool. He is a relatively new member to our family, yet he feels like he's been a part of the family forever. Both my babes adore him and have so much fun playing, and of course being thrown around.
Sunday, 7 February 2016
6/52: The 52 Project - SPLASH!
This week I captured some bath time fun with confetti, bath crayons (courtesy of Aunty) and lots and lots of bubbles.
I kept the photos simple and fun and let my two babes tell the story!
I kept the photos simple and fun and let my two babes tell the story!
Monday, 1 February 2016
Random Act of Kindness - Flowers!
What makes you smile?
I have teamed up with Jasmine from Sminkles to find out what makes people smile and help put a smile on the face of some perfect strangers.
Today I decided that it was flowers that made me smile and so I set out to deliver some beautiful flowers to some un-expecting shoppers.
Thank you to the ladies at Flowers for Everyone who agreed to deliver one of my beautiful gerberas to a worthy recipient.
I walked through the shopping centre wondering who I would give my gerbera to. The first person I saw was a young pregnant mother holding her toddler. Straight away I remembered the feeling of walking around the shops holding Miss S while J was in my belly. I had a flash back of how difficult I found being pregnant and looking after a toddler.
I approached the lady and congratulated her on her pregnancy, I offered her my gerbera to help make her smile. Her husband was with her and the two of them were grateful and I was able to witness a beautiful smile on each of their faces.
It's not every day that you deliver flowers to strangers, however, it definitely made my day!
I have teamed up with Jasmine from Sminkles to find out what makes people smile and help put a smile on the face of some perfect strangers.
Today I decided that it was flowers that made me smile and so I set out to deliver some beautiful flowers to some un-expecting shoppers.
Thank you to the ladies at Flowers for Everyone who agreed to deliver one of my beautiful gerberas to a worthy recipient.
I walked through the shopping centre wondering who I would give my gerbera to. The first person I saw was a young pregnant mother holding her toddler. Straight away I remembered the feeling of walking around the shops holding Miss S while J was in my belly. I had a flash back of how difficult I found being pregnant and looking after a toddler.
I approached the lady and congratulated her on her pregnancy, I offered her my gerbera to help make her smile. Her husband was with her and the two of them were grateful and I was able to witness a beautiful smile on each of their faces.
It's not every day that you deliver flowers to strangers, however, it definitely made my day!
"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see" ~ Mark Twain
Saturday, 30 January 2016
It's that time...... Toilet Training Time!
Yep the fun and exhilarating task of toilet training is in full swing in our house hold.
I have been avoiding it like the plague and shrugging off friendly "suggestions" from family and friends that he's ready. I mean hey, it's my boy, it's me who will be scrubbing pee of the floors and tipping poo out of tiny little undies into the bin right? Maybe, just maybe, I need to be ready too.
To be honest, I think I am still scarred from how long it took with Miss 4, and she's the intelligent one! Oh dear.
So we had prepped him up over the week explaining to him that on the weekend he was going to wear big boy undies because of course he's a BIIIIGGG BOOOOYYYY now (as you explain in your stupidest kiddy voice).
Unlike when we toilet trained Miss 4 we decided it was all too hard to stay home for 3 or 4 straight days. So we chucked on the undies, made a huge fuss and headed out to a cafe for coffee at 10am. Let's face it, a Mumma needs her coffee.
We had no accidents all morning and then one minor one at sissy's gymnastics class. The girls at the gym were lovely and helped clean it up so that was a save.
We came home and it was an extremely hot and sticky day so what better way to spend it than in the pool. At least this way accidents won't get noticed right? Wrong! Mr J decided that it would be a good idea to hop out of the pool and squat on the timber deck to do his first pee of the afternoon! Thanks buddy. So back in the pool he went to wash it all off ;-)
Besides a tiny little bullet in the toilet he hadn't done a poo all day which is extremely unlike him. That was until....... We put his night nappy on. Oh of course that's when he was confident enough to relax, let loose and well you know the rest!
So I think considering it was day one we did pretty well. Three accidents, a bullet on the toilet and I still have no idea where all his water has gone.
Wish me luck for the next few days, I think I'll need it as it is completely and utterly draining walking around asking a 2 year old with the attention of Dory "Do you need to go to the toilet Jimmy?". In most cases he responds without even stopping what he is currently doing with a loud and passionate "Noooooooo".
I have been avoiding it like the plague and shrugging off friendly "suggestions" from family and friends that he's ready. I mean hey, it's my boy, it's me who will be scrubbing pee of the floors and tipping poo out of tiny little undies into the bin right? Maybe, just maybe, I need to be ready too.
To be honest, I think I am still scarred from how long it took with Miss 4, and she's the intelligent one! Oh dear.
So we had prepped him up over the week explaining to him that on the weekend he was going to wear big boy undies because of course he's a BIIIIGGG BOOOOYYYY now (as you explain in your stupidest kiddy voice).
Unlike when we toilet trained Miss 4 we decided it was all too hard to stay home for 3 or 4 straight days. So we chucked on the undies, made a huge fuss and headed out to a cafe for coffee at 10am. Let's face it, a Mumma needs her coffee.
We had no accidents all morning and then one minor one at sissy's gymnastics class. The girls at the gym were lovely and helped clean it up so that was a save.
We came home and it was an extremely hot and sticky day so what better way to spend it than in the pool. At least this way accidents won't get noticed right? Wrong! Mr J decided that it would be a good idea to hop out of the pool and squat on the timber deck to do his first pee of the afternoon! Thanks buddy. So back in the pool he went to wash it all off ;-)
Besides a tiny little bullet in the toilet he hadn't done a poo all day which is extremely unlike him. That was until....... We put his night nappy on. Oh of course that's when he was confident enough to relax, let loose and well you know the rest!
So I think considering it was day one we did pretty well. Three accidents, a bullet on the toilet and I still have no idea where all his water has gone.
Wish me luck for the next few days, I think I'll need it as it is completely and utterly draining walking around asking a 2 year old with the attention of Dory "Do you need to go to the toilet Jimmy?". In most cases he responds without even stopping what he is currently doing with a loud and passionate "Noooooooo".
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At least Toilet Training means seeing more of this cute bum! |
Wednesday, 27 January 2016
5/52 - The 52 Project
Tantrums are inevitable. I've been around enough children now to know that there is no "perfect" child who does not tantrum at some point. The extent and level of the tantrums do differ though.
So on this note I can now honestly say, my daughter is just epic at throwing a tantrum. She is well-behaved 70% of the time (that number was calculated using a precise and exact formula). However, in that remaining 30%, boy oh boy does she go wild.
She is like a child possessed. I've tried so many different parenting techniques and methods to try and limit the extent of the tantrum. I try extremely hard to reduce any collateral damage.
This week we had a nice easy stay at home day. For the most part it was fun, enjoyable, relaxing and just what we all needed. Yet, there was that one, crazy, completely erratic tantrum in the afternoon thrown by Miss 4.
I was chatting recently to a good friend who told me a new method they had adopted in their house for dealing with tantrums. One thing I implemented with my girl was to ask her to tell her teddy what is wrong. I felt it would help her express her feelings without having to look me in the eye and tell me what she was thinking and feeling.
It was the first time I had tried it and I definitely felt it worked. She likes to be left alone during a tantrum to let it all out so I left teddy on her bead and told her to take time and calm down and when she felt ready explain to teddy what was upsetting her.
How is this related to my 52 Project you ask. Once I could hear that she had finally calmed down in her room I went in to check on her. When I did I found my boy consoling his big sister.
All I can say is it completely melted my heart. So what did this normal, rational mum do in this situation??? I grabbed my camera of course (and I'm really glad I did).
Here are some photos of my beautiful boy comforting his sister after her melt down. I may have cheated a little and added more than one photo as I thought all four were extremely beautiful.
So on this note I can now honestly say, my daughter is just epic at throwing a tantrum. She is well-behaved 70% of the time (that number was calculated using a precise and exact formula). However, in that remaining 30%, boy oh boy does she go wild.
She is like a child possessed. I've tried so many different parenting techniques and methods to try and limit the extent of the tantrum. I try extremely hard to reduce any collateral damage.
This week we had a nice easy stay at home day. For the most part it was fun, enjoyable, relaxing and just what we all needed. Yet, there was that one, crazy, completely erratic tantrum in the afternoon thrown by Miss 4.
I was chatting recently to a good friend who told me a new method they had adopted in their house for dealing with tantrums. One thing I implemented with my girl was to ask her to tell her teddy what is wrong. I felt it would help her express her feelings without having to look me in the eye and tell me what she was thinking and feeling.
It was the first time I had tried it and I definitely felt it worked. She likes to be left alone during a tantrum to let it all out so I left teddy on her bead and told her to take time and calm down and when she felt ready explain to teddy what was upsetting her.
How is this related to my 52 Project you ask. Once I could hear that she had finally calmed down in her room I went in to check on her. When I did I found my boy consoling his big sister.
All I can say is it completely melted my heart. So what did this normal, rational mum do in this situation??? I grabbed my camera of course (and I'm really glad I did).
Here are some photos of my beautiful boy comforting his sister after her melt down. I may have cheated a little and added more than one photo as I thought all four were extremely beautiful.
Saturday, 23 January 2016
4/52 - The 52 Project
We were having a lazy Saturday morning at home before the kids spent the night with their Aunty. James decided to dress up in Daddy's work shirt and I captured a few funny snaps.
The girl:
The boy:
The girl:
The boy:
Friday, 22 January 2016
The truth is..... I miss you!
I miss you. I miss you with my whole heart. It aches when I think of how unfair life can be, taking someone so special.
Although we are all feeling pain today, my message is for my beautiful, strong, brave, resilient Aunty, Uncle and two cousins......
Although we are all feeling pain today, my message is for my beautiful, strong, brave, resilient Aunty, Uncle and two cousins......
be courageous
have faith
go forward
~ thomas edison
Sunday, 17 January 2016
3/52 - The 52 Project
The Boy:
This week we had some friends stay with us for a few nights. As fun and exciting as it is for the kiddies, the adventures take their toll and their little minds can become extremely overwhelmed.
James took some much needed time out on Sunday morning to catch a minute to himself. Very sweet.
"Life is a balance between rest and movement" ~ Unknown
The Girl:
Earlier in the week we had an extremely hot day, I decided on a last minute trip to our new favourite beach.
We caught up with a gorgeous friend and a quick swim tuned into dinner and a bath back at their place. The afternoon wasn't planned until 3pm that day and it proved once again how important it is to be spontaneous.
Whilst swimming it started raining, that didn't seem to worry the kids and they continued having their fun in the rain.
Some of the best memories are made on a whim.
"Spontaneity is the best kinda of adventure" ~ Unknown
My challenge…… Do something unexpected.
This week we had some friends stay with us for a few nights. As fun and exciting as it is for the kiddies, the adventures take their toll and their little minds can become extremely overwhelmed.
James took some much needed time out on Sunday morning to catch a minute to himself. Very sweet.
"Life is a balance between rest and movement" ~ Unknown
The Girl:
Earlier in the week we had an extremely hot day, I decided on a last minute trip to our new favourite beach.
We caught up with a gorgeous friend and a quick swim tuned into dinner and a bath back at their place. The afternoon wasn't planned until 3pm that day and it proved once again how important it is to be spontaneous.
Whilst swimming it started raining, that didn't seem to worry the kids and they continued having their fun in the rain.
Some of the best memories are made on a whim.
"Spontaneity is the best kinda of adventure" ~ Unknown
My challenge…… Do something unexpected.
Tuesday, 12 January 2016
As the anniversary approaches I have been thinking a lot about my experience.
I lost something very special to me. My two babies created out of love, magically conceived and developing inside of my body were taken. These two souls have been imprinted in my heart and will remain there forever.
Although I have not forgotten them, I have grown stronger.
It took time to heal, yet I did just that. I took the steps needed to recover, heal and be happy again.
I fought off the whispers of negativity, I ignored the notion of "get over it" and I certainly did not let the various antagonising looks or opinions hurt me.
Instead, I embraced the positivity and allowed people to support and guide me through this time. I knew I would get through and I knew at the end of my journey I would be stronger.
There were many cycles of the healing process and there were many triggers along the way.
For many months I looked for answers, and when I couldn't find any I blamed myself. I felt my body had let my babies down, it had let me down. Then, I not only realised that there are no answers but I accepted it. It doesn't matter how much we search, how much we plead, sometimes in life, the answers simply aren't there.
I feel living in the present and not in the past was a step which I needed to take in order to not only move forward, but to enjoy my life. To be grateful for the blessings which I have been given.
My life is busy and as much as I try, I can not seem to slow it down. It seems that my mind is just as busy as my lifestyle. So in order for me to appreciate the beauty of my life and to also slow down my mind, I engage in reflection.
In order to realistically achieve this I go to bed each night and reflect on the day which has passed. That day only. Not the week before, not the month before, just the last 12 hours.
I feel that reflecting on the joy and hopefulness which surrounds me allows me to truely be happy. To feel content at a deeper level than I did before losing my two babies.
It allows me to know and accept that they are not with me, however, I am here, I am alive, I have a beautiful family and we need to create memories and cherish our lives.
I have stopped saying "I almost died" and instead I say "I survived", I have stopped grieving for what could have been and accepted what is. I try my very hardest to control my mind and my irrational thoughts. I no longer compare my life to others, instead I learn from others and I teach others.
Life isn't always fair, life isn't always kind, despite this, life is ours. It is ours to live and we dictate our own peace of mind.
I lost something very special to me. My two babies created out of love, magically conceived and developing inside of my body were taken. These two souls have been imprinted in my heart and will remain there forever.
Although I have not forgotten them, I have grown stronger.
It took time to heal, yet I did just that. I took the steps needed to recover, heal and be happy again.
I fought off the whispers of negativity, I ignored the notion of "get over it" and I certainly did not let the various antagonising looks or opinions hurt me.
Instead, I embraced the positivity and allowed people to support and guide me through this time. I knew I would get through and I knew at the end of my journey I would be stronger.
There were many cycles of the healing process and there were many triggers along the way.
For many months I looked for answers, and when I couldn't find any I blamed myself. I felt my body had let my babies down, it had let me down. Then, I not only realised that there are no answers but I accepted it. It doesn't matter how much we search, how much we plead, sometimes in life, the answers simply aren't there.
I feel living in the present and not in the past was a step which I needed to take in order to not only move forward, but to enjoy my life. To be grateful for the blessings which I have been given.
My life is busy and as much as I try, I can not seem to slow it down. It seems that my mind is just as busy as my lifestyle. So in order for me to appreciate the beauty of my life and to also slow down my mind, I engage in reflection.
In order to realistically achieve this I go to bed each night and reflect on the day which has passed. That day only. Not the week before, not the month before, just the last 12 hours.
I feel that reflecting on the joy and hopefulness which surrounds me allows me to truely be happy. To feel content at a deeper level than I did before losing my two babies.
It allows me to know and accept that they are not with me, however, I am here, I am alive, I have a beautiful family and we need to create memories and cherish our lives.
I have stopped saying "I almost died" and instead I say "I survived", I have stopped grieving for what could have been and accepted what is. I try my very hardest to control my mind and my irrational thoughts. I no longer compare my life to others, instead I learn from others and I teach others.
Life isn't always fair, life isn't always kind, despite this, life is ours. It is ours to live and we dictate our own peace of mind.
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"Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be" ~ Sonia Ricotti |
Monday, 11 January 2016
2/52 - The 52 Project - Monday 11th January 2016
Week two of The 52 Project, I captured this photo which to me perfectly reflects my two babies personalities.
It was a Thursday morning, work day, daycare day, rush day.
No time for morning cuddles, no time for lazying around and relaxing. It's go go go from wake-up at 6am.
Yet I tend to experience the same thing every.single.Thursday!
Me: "Chrisssssss, get in the shower, babe hurry up and shave, darling, get dressed, hunnnnnn the kids will miss breakfast at daycare!".
Meanwhile, darling husband is normally cuddled up in bed with the kids, laughing and playing. This isn't the plan. I need to run the Thursday routine like a military style operation.
He is always telling me to stress less, slow down, care less, don't worry.
On this morning, this morning only, I took his advice. It was a cool Summers morning, I could hear the rain outside my bedroom window. Both kids were curled up in bed. They could not stop laughing.
She was sheepishly smiling and of course he was being his normal cheeky self.
I jumped in bed with them, captured some snaps and had a cuddle and of course some tickles.
In spite of me refusing to slow down, I am glad on this particular day I did, even just for a moment.
Saturday, 9 January 2016
Pasta overload…...
This pasta making thing is extremely new to me, I'm far from an expert. However, thought I might share my recipes from last nights cook-up.
Although making the pasta itself is extremely simple, it is one of those things that you look at the clock and realise you've been in the kitchen for over 2 hours. So if you don't have the time to make home-made pasta you could use the sauce recipes and pour over store bought pasta. If doing this, I would recommend fresh pasta from the chilled area of your supermarket (not dry pasta). Prior to making my own this would be all I use.
Why is there two dishes…… Well that's easy. I set out to make Crab Ravioli and half way realised how long it takes and how fiddly the process was. So I decided to cut the remaining pasta in to fettuccine and make a second sauce.
Although making the pasta itself is extremely simple, it is one of those things that you look at the clock and realise you've been in the kitchen for over 2 hours. So if you don't have the time to make home-made pasta you could use the sauce recipes and pour over store bought pasta. If doing this, I would recommend fresh pasta from the chilled area of your supermarket (not dry pasta). Prior to making my own this would be all I use.
Why is there two dishes…… Well that's easy. I set out to make Crab Ravioli and half way realised how long it takes and how fiddly the process was. So I decided to cut the remaining pasta in to fettuccine and make a second sauce.
The Pasta:
Note: This is considered one batch of pasta, for my two dishes I made two batches so double ingredients
* 4 eggs
* 400g plain flour
* pinch of salt
1) Place eggs in Thermomix bowl and mix for 5 seconds on speed 5
2) Add salt and flour and mix for an additional 5 seconds on speed 5
3) Kneed for 3 minutes on dough setting
4) Tip all ingredients onto a clean workbench and kneed by hand into a ball
5) Set aside in a bowl and let rest for half hour
6) Break off small portions of pasta and roll out until flat then run through the pasta machine.
7) The fettuccine can be cut through the machine and hung out to dry, the ravioli is assembled as per instructions below.
The Ravioli Filling:
* 200g of crab (I purchased mine in a jar from De Costis)
* 100g of fresh ricotta
* fresh chives
* salt and pepper to taste
* Mix all ingredients together in a bowl until well combined
* Once pasta has been rolled out place a sheet of pasta over the ravioli maker (I purchased mine from a kitchen shop at my local shopping centre).
* Spoon the crab mixture into each ravioli
* Cover the ravioli with another sheet of pasta and cut using a rolling pin
Note: If you don't have the Ravioli Maker you could do manually. It looks like this (
So by this point you should have finished your ravioli and cut your fettuccine and your work bench will look something like this………
The blue bowl had some fettuccine in it which was too short to hang. It was the offcuts from the ravioli that I didn't want to waste. |
The Ravioli Sauce (Burnt Butter)
Ingredients (this is where it gets interesting as I didn't measure everything):
* 100g butter (approx)
* teaspoon minced garlic
* fresh parsley cut finely
* lemon rind of one lemon
* juice of half a lemon
* salt and pepper to taste
1) Melt the butter in a pan on high heat
2) Once melted turn the heat to medium and add garlic, lemon rind, salt and pepper
3) Mean while cook ravioli in boiling water for approximately 3 minutes (be sure not to over cook, fresh pasta cooks extremely quickly)
4) Once ravioli has cooked add to the burnt butter
5) Pour parsley over the ravioli and let fry in pan for 1 minute
6) Flip ravioli in pan to fry opposite side for an additional 1 minute
7) Season with salt and pepper and lemon juice
8) Serve and eat immediately
Fettuccine Sauce (Creamy Crab Sauce)
* 200g crab (as per above, I purchased two jars)
* 300g cream
* 2 teaspoons minced garlic
* lemon rind of one lemon
* salt and pepper
* fresh parsley cut finely
1) Heat half the cream cream in a pan on low heat
2) Once simmering add garlic, lemon rind and parsley and stir through
3) Stir through crab
4) Add additional cream and stir through on low/medium heat
5) Mean while cook pasta in boiling water for 2/3 minutes
6) Add pasta to pan and season with salt and pepper (I also added a little fresh lemon)
So this was a first for me….. Writing up a recipe. I cook at a whim and don't normally remember what ingredients I use let alone quantity. Taste as you go and of course experiment. Most of all enjoy and have fun.
I'm always open to feedback and suggestions!
I hope I've left you with a little inspiration.
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