Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Week 11: The 52 Project - Holiday Life

Blissfully unaware of reality.  A week to escape our normal existence and live in pure paradise.

Week 10 - The 52 Project: Holiday time

The boy:

Very proud with his carry on luggage packed and ready to head to the airport.  Showing such confidence and maturity even since our last trip to Fiji 5-months ago.

He is growing up so quickly and in the blink of an eye his mumbled words are turning into hilarious and entertaining conversations.

The girl:

Just like her brother she is growing up faster than my mind is willing to accept.  I watched as she so confidently strutted around the resort.  A sense of familiarity as she passionately explained to everyone it was her 4th trip to Fiji.

Morning one she pranced up to the desk and fearlessly requested the towels for the family.  Her extreme sense of confidence mixed with a growing attitude make for an interesting yet slightly challenging time for my parenting journey.